Gym Equipment

I’m absolutely satisfied with my investment in a home gym. I spent hours and hours researching the different equipment online before making purchases. I could not find any online albums or complete descriptions that I was looking for, so I wanted to compile all my knowledge into a website with notes for anyone else who is interested in doing something similar. Imgur album can be found here:

There are many options to consider even if you have less money and space. If you have the money and space, I recommend getting a full set up for safety, effectiveness, and convenience (under the “FULL SETUP” tab). If you are low on money and space, you can get cheaper setups and make modifications to them to make it work for you! Be creative, but be safe!

Here are a few shopping lists I put together depending on your situation. Prices will vary over time. If you want to do a similar home gym setup that I use on my channel, then click on the “FULL SETUP” section. Feel free to stop by my channel anytime if you’d like me to show you any of the equipment I have!

NOTE: “Standard weights” have a 1” diameter hole. “Olympic weights” have a 2” diameter hole. These weights are generally not interchangeable. If you want to invest long term, go with Olympic weights. Olympic weights are the typical plates you will see in gyms. Standard weights are meant for small home gyms and in the long term, you might outgrow them. Prices are similar and Olympic weights tend to have more accessories to work with.

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